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About us

The Women’s Co-operative of Christos Rachon Ikaria was founded in November 2009. Our aim is to use and promote Ikarian products while creating local jobs. It is the first Women’s Co-operative on the island and consists of 7 active young women from the Raches area of Ikaria.

The Co-operative was founded, and continues to be supported by, the courage, determination, will for work and the love that its members have for the island. The only criteria for all of our products is that they must be of high quality and Ikarian in origin. Our recipes are a balanced mix of old, authentic recipes and new fresh tastes.

We buy our raw ingredients from small producers on the island that embrace the philosophy of sustainable and organic agriculture. Our workshop and our pastry, coffee shop, that is on the square of Christos Rachon, offers a wide variety of marmalades, spoon sweets, pickles, chutneys, herbs, woven products, wax creams, soaps, wood carvings etc.

Our successful story up to now gives us the courage to continue and look ahead for an even better future.

Copyright © 2018 - 2024 Women's Cooperative of Raches Ikaria Greece